16 Feb, 2025

5 non -Orthodox strikes who took MMA surprise

Mixed martial arts (MMA) thrive on innovation. While the fundamental solids win fights, creativity often separates the best martial artists mixed by all the others. Their creativity does not offer them non -orthodox ways to win fights; It attracts legions of faithful fans who have contributed to transforming the MMA into more rapid growth sport […]

7 mins read

3 famous martial artists who have transformed their life through training

Enrolling for martial arts lessons can be an experience that changes life, often leading to a self-mocked journey. This is because there is more in these ancient combat styles than learning to fight. The training of martial arts also concerns the overcoming of adversities, becoming more disciplined and the transformation of your mind, body and […]

7 mins read

Night Running in Singapore: paths and tips to stay safe

Singapore is a renowned city, known for its vibrant and infinite lifestyle. Among the hustle and bustle of everyday life, many find it challenging to find time for various things, including exercise, especially for committed professionals. As a result, many turned to the night running as a way to stay in shape without compromising their […]

10 mins read

7 Exercises for Marzial Artists to be done on the beach for training for the whole body

Beach training offers a unique environment for martial artists. Training in an environment like the beach may seem limited, but in reality it is an excellent place for complete training. Sand offers resistance and instability, which forces the muscles to work more. In this article, we will discuss several exercises that martial artists can do […]

7 mins read