Focus on Fighting Styles, Part 4 – The Boxer-Pugilist
The boxer-boxer hybrid has the strengths of all the styles we’ve covered so far. This fighter has the technical ability and footwork to stay out of your reach and beat you on points. Or they can step in and throw those huge power punches that knock out opponents.
In an ideal world, every fighter would choose to be a boxer-puncher. Unfortunately, this style is difficult to master and requires a dedication to training EVERY aspect. You can’t just focus on speed, footwork or power. You must own it all if you choose to go this route. Because if you don’t put in the effort to truly develop the entire game, you won’t excel at anything.
In our fourth installment of “Focus on Fighting Styles” we discuss the Boxer-Puncher style.
A fighter who has mastered the art of the Boxer-Puncher style has many tools to draw from.
The style of the boxer-boxer: what it looks like
The previous three styles we covered (Slugger, Swarmer, and Out-Fighter) work a bit like a version of Rock/Paper/Scissors. Each style is strong against one of the other two and weak against the third.
Boxer-Punchers do not have this inherent weakness. They can choose an in-ring strategy that works against their opponent’s style.
Against a bruiser, they can stay out of reach. Against a swarm they can launch damaging attacks from within. And against an out-boxer, they can come in and throw those power punches that will cause some damage.
Or they can combine the best aspects of these styles into a single winning strategy. Act like a champion in the early rounds, wearing down opponents through technical prowess and long-range harassment. So when an opponent gets tired, switch to slugger mode, get in close and start throwing powerful punches looking for the KO.
The boxer-boxer: why fighters choose him
Honestly, why not choose this style? It combines the strengths of two dominant styles (outboxer and slugger) without many of their weaknesses. Many of the greatest fighters in history have used this style. Done correctly, it’s hard to beat.
But not everyone can or will choose to become a boxer-boxer.
Physical requirements
As with out-boxers, you simply can’t choose this style. A fighter needs a certain build to effectively employ a boxing style.
A relatively long range is required to effectively attack opponents from a distance. But you also need a build muscular enough to be a truly powerful boxer.
Training requirements
A boxer-boxer must train speed, power, endurance, footwork, pure technique, strategy, etc. This type of boxer must excel in every possible aspect of boxing. It’s not enough to have a good jab or a strong right hand. If you want to be a boxer-puncher, you need a whole arsenal of powerful punches.
Becoming a boxer-boxer will require you to spend more time in the gym, sacrificing even more time for a sport that already requires a lot.
But if you put in the time, if you really want to, you can become the kind of fighter that people are afraid to deal with.
The boxer-boxer counter: how to defend it
The Boxer-Puncher is one of the most difficult fighter types to plan for. Historically, most Boxer-Punchers lose to other Boxer-Punchers (e.g. Hearns’ 1981 defeat to Sugar Ray Leonard) or because they chose the wrong strategy in the ring (e.g. Sugar Ray Leonard tries to defeat Robert Duran in their first meeting).
If you’re not a boxer-puncher yourself, you can’t always count on your Boxer-Puncher opponent to make critical mistakes. And their versatility will make them a challenge to defeat.
But we’ve already discussed how to derail the plans of a bruiser or outboxer, so the trick here will be to find a way to combine them into a single strategy.
As we discussed when talking about the Slugger, the best defense against the Boxer-Puncher’s explosive power is to avoid taking the hit.
This type of fighter may have better footwork than a slugger, but the physics of power punches remain the same. They MUST plant their feet to throw the big punch.
Stay mobile and stay out of range until you are ready to attack. This won’t stop you from getting hit by the Boxer-Puncher’s jab (and they’ll have a great jab), but it should stop you from getting hit by those explosive crosses and hooks.
When discussing counters for both the bruiser and the outboxer, one tactic came up both times: work the body. Over time, damage to the body will take away many of the advantages the Boxer-Puncher possesses. Torso shots are harder to dodge or defend. Over time they take away the boxer’s legs or reduce his ability to punch with power.
And like the swarm, your best friend will be under pressure. Be aggressive. If you are an out-boxer, outbox your opponent. Cut the ring. Jab, move and hit again. Don’t let them set the time.
If you’re a hitter, outwork your opponent. Chase them. Make your way inside and beat them up. Reach a medium distance where your most powerful punches can cause damage.
Remember, a boxer-boxer is good at everything, but he is not specialized. They tend not to have the superior cardiovascular endurance of a true out-boxer or the sheer physical stamina of a dedicated puncher.
If you can keep them moving defensively, get them to shoot from long range and chip away at their body, then they will become vulnerable. And that vulnerability will open them up to attacks from your more traditional approach, whatever that may be.